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What is the Global Intelligence Model?

Biological Interpretation

Our approach is an exclusive therapeutic process that enables the structured and systematic organization of diagnosis, through identification of biological variations between individuals and the implications of these variations to daily behaviour.

For more information on our approach to biological variations between individuals check out our Biological Interpretation Page

Neuroplastic Adaptation

Our approach ensures consistent holistic care through the adaptive construction of neuroplastic connections into a mathematical model, that ensures every individual has a specific unique representation.

For more information on our approach to variations in unique daily experience for individuals check out our Neuroplastic Adaptation page

Occupational Application

Our approach is applied to the needs and goals of our participants through predictive modelling of the biological and neuroplastic interpretations, that determine an individual’s functional capacity and optimal engagement association.

For more information on our approach to specific transformation of individual variations check out our Occupational Application page

Want to discuss our services?

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You can email us directly with relevant information or to find out more