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Biological Interpretation

Sacrificium Ingenii Omnibus; 2024-present; Iteration 1 (exert)

© 2024, Intervergent

Omniscient Intelligence Design

Genia Elna & Wooden James

Intervergent, Founders

Genia, E. Omniscient Intelligence Design. Sacrificium Ingenii Omnibus. 2024-present; Iteration 1 (exert)

Dimensional Intelligence

The biological interpretation of life appears as a process of experiences with a capacity to constantly adapt the behavioural compositions displayed every day. The biological representation of intelligence seeks a process of thought outside of simplistic notions and relations that follow direct correlation and consequence. Interpretations of consistency and inconsistency in thought sequences provides three-dimensional relativistic interpretations for the biological interpretation of human intelligence.

1-Module Dimensional Intelligence

A one-dimensional interpretation of the model describes intelligence in a sequence of states. This sequence is moulded with other systems to perform different functions reflected through billions of inputs and outputs.

This interpretation reflects a deterministic model used to describe computational intelligence with a system of states and inputs that achieve a specific function

Figure 1:

2-Module Dimensional Intelligence

A two-dimensional interpretation of the model in a specifically structured pattern. This pattern constructs informational groups that perform more efficient functions for information that shares a decidable pattern

This interpretation reflects a probabilistic model used to describe quantum computation intelligence with a system of undecidable states placed within specific bounds.

Figure 2:

3-Module Dimensional Intelligence

A three-dimensional interpretation of the model describes the consistency of information in the measurement of inconsistent patterns and sequences. This measurement constructs undecidable patterns and groups that enable an exponential time sequence.

This interpretation reflects a non-deterministic polynomial model used to describe part of our proposed intelligence model with a system of undecidable parts understood as a decidable sequence

Figure 3:

Abstract Thought adapted to the human brain

Human intelligence has multiple informational hierarchies that have a distinct function in the dimensional interpretation of information across all three intelligence dimensions for efficiency and effectiveness in thought. The human brain consists of billions of neural cells can be divided into three distinct groups with unique functions:


Provides a specific interpretation of information in the form of complexity. Neurons are excited in specific sequences through electrical impulses that send packages of information carrying forward a unique state.

For example, some people can quickly understand mathematical concepts and other people experience more difficulty.

Figure 4:


Provides a dynamic interpretation of information in the form of uncomplexity. Astrocytes fuel neurons that enable the self-organisation by assigning specific parameters for the neuron to follow upon its sequence.

For example, some people experience fluctuating emotions where they experience highly variable inconsistent thought where others are more rigid in their emotion and experience more consistent thought processes.

Figure 2:


Provides a system of specific patterns for dynamic interpretations and dynamic groups for specific interpretations. Oligodendrocytes inform the neuron of its previous functions to guide the unique sequence.

For example, some people can remember large quantities of information grouped into specific topics where others may have a more general interpretation of the patterns that follow many different topics

Figure 3:

These three generic domains are necessary for independent function and are the foundation for behavioural commonalities between individuals. Every behaviour begins with a response to an external stimulus in the form of a functional component of the body such as an arm movement or vocal response. It is when the behavioural commonalities are varied and functional components do not provide the necessary function, that the variation becomes a limitation in an individual’s environment. Such limitations are the foundation for the diagnostic identification and determination of the treatment to follow.

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