How Hilfe Services provide treatment
Assistance with Everyday Living
We provide strategies that improve an individual’s ability to perform everyday tasks throughout the home. Our therapists will assess an individual’s limitations in tasks such as bathing, dressing, managing financials and meal preparation and devise a scaling assistance reduction program to improve and maintain your function.
Assistance with Development
We work with children and adolescents who experience disabilities such as autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability and developmental delay that limit their capacity to develop consistently with their peers. Our therapists will work alongside all key stakeholders including parents, schools, extracurricular coaches and any other people who play an important role in the child’s life.
Our therapists integrate developmental goals as play activities to ensure children engage with our clinical approaches while making significant progress in a child’s ability to engage in their daily life activities and community.
Assistance with Mobility
We provide individuals with strategies, equipment and exercise plans so people can overcome physical restrictions caused by movement limitations. We work alongside the individual to provide assistance consistent with the environment in the home and to access out into the community.
Our therapists stay updated about the most recent innovations in mobility and are closely connected with our suppliers to ensure individuals stay informed about all options available to them to increase their mobility.
Standard Strategy
Hilfe Services Strategy
Generic Applied Intervention
Evidence-Base Informational Competency
Inconsistency from Derivation
The standard treatment process is a consequential model, where groups of consistent patterns between individuals need to be found, evaluated and analysed. The evaluation and analysis of patterns attribute to the meaning and relevance of the information and hence, diagnosis and treatment strategies are inconsistent.
Consequences of Inconsistency
Diagnosis and treatment are marketed as definitive conclusions and strategies that all-encompassing. This is untrue, as all diagnosis and treatment exist from probabilistic assumptions established through evidence, which make outcomes exponentially highly variable as complexity increases.
Assessment Information Application
Inconsistency from Derivation
To inform the strategy planning process health professionals are inherently inconsistent, as they are required to evaluate clinically (in the participant’s assessment information) and holistically (in the participant’s motivations for engagement).
Consequences of Inconsistency
The evaluation of the participant’s clinical information and personality is dynamic with every previous evaluation, decision and overall experience. This prevents consistency in the application of identical sets of assessment information that causes discrepancies between treatments and causes the application of assessment information inconsistent.
Evaluation of Applicable Knowledge
Inconsistency from Derivation
Health professionals require introspective and reflective skills of the applicability of their knowledge to provide the required diagnostic and treatment information for participants. Variations in the meaning and relevance of introspective and reflective skills for participants is dependent on a professional’s development in learning and experiences and creates inconsistency in every assessment interpretation and treatment recommendation.
Participant Treatment Experience
Professional 1
Assessment Information
Interpretation and Treatment Recommednation
Participant Outcome
Professional 2
Assessment Information
Interpretation and Treatment Recommednation
Participant Outcome
Consequences of Inconsistency
The variability in self-evaluation results in professionals who make incorrect assessment interpretations by oversimplifying or under simplifying a diagnosis for a participant. Treatment strategies are impacted by the evaluation on the complexity of limitations experienced by a participant that can result in over and under servicing that impacts participant outcomes
Professional Participant Bias
All individuals are drawn to different personalities that are determined by their previous experiences with people. Health professionals share this bias for participants in the non-clinical components of therapy for the interaction with participants and planning of treatment strategies that engage and motivate participants.
The personality bias created from professional experience with participants results in an inefficient process without some presumptions to inform critical thinking or a misinformed process from assumptions made for participants. This bias causes inconsistency that decreases the overall effectiveness of every health service carried out by a professional.
Adaptive Applied Intervention
Evidence-Base Adaptive Information
Inconsistency Solution
Our intelligence examines available research and practical evidence through an adaptive systematic review under consistent metrics with relative application to the existing information of the participant. Some of the consistent metrics used for criterion for variability in information are as follows:
- Critique of research / practise process: Variations in data gathering, methodology, data processing and analysis to minimize inconsistencies through error, noise and bias.
- Meaning of conclusions: Variations in the quality and value of the information formed from the discussed evidence
- Relevance of conclusions by sample group: Variations in sample size, sample selection from inclusion and exclusion criteria, randomisation and bias.
- Relevance of conclusions by publication date: Articles impacted by variations in lifestyle, emerging assessment and treatment techniques and articles that provide a timeless analysis of the human condition.
Application Example
Consider our participant Stoic Samuel who has coronary heart disease in an aged group of 30-40 years old and genetical vulnerabilities from an indigenous background.
The intelligence will evaluate generally for engagement in treatment by cross referencing the 30–40-year-olds group interaction with treatment with indigenous consideration for vulnerabilities and treatment integrations applied to all research evidence for coronary heart disease.
The intelligence switches between specific results and parameters to create an efficient and optimal process.
Adaptive Information Application
Inconsistency Solution
Our intelligence constructs the treatment plan for current and final state, integrated with the application of evidence-based adaptive information for consistent information from assessment. The intelligence creates dynamic treatment strategies that adapt to the professional and participant inconsistencies following more information gained from the interaction.
Generic Approaches to Inconsistencies
- Session Engagement: Consistency is required throughout sessions for efficient and effective practical and informative interactions in the professional’s and participant’s understanding of treatment strategies. This can be rectified through monitoring of verbal and non-verbal behaviours throughout interactions adapted from a generic model of an individual to the participant or the professional.
- External Motivation: Consistency is required in the implementation of treatment strategies outside of observation as participants experience highly variable routines and emotions. This can be rectified by creating adaptive timelines that acknowledge normal routine against other potential events where information as information is inputted the treatment regime is adapted between treatment sessions without direct assessment.
- Progression: Consistency is required in determining a position in treatment progression, however, individuals are unable to concisely recognise and express all meaningful and relevant information in interactions for this determination. This can be rectified by creating an inconsistency threshold from the general personalities of individuals alongside their existing emotional state linked to specific adaptive assessment strategies for the experience.
Evaluation of Adaptive Knowledge
Inconsistency Solution
Our intelligence develops a treatment examination based on the participant load for a professional to determine their information competency for treatment. The treatment examination consists of a mix of adapted case studies with different requirements and will adapt throughout the examination to areas the professional demonstrates high and low understanding and variable competence.
Application Example
Consider our professional “Oriana the Occupational Therapist” who has 12 years of experience providing a range of musculoskeletal and paediatric assessment and treatment functions throughout her career. An examination analysis of Oriana revealed:
- Assessment in a consistently efficient procedure however, missed important details to inform progressive treatment strategies.
- Treatment with highly consistent engagement but inconsistent progression from participants.
- Personal burnout from indications of abnormal behavioural changes without alternative cause.
Application from Experience
Inconsistency Solution
Our intelligence allocates participants to professionals through a probabilistic personality compliment function to determine the most beneficial interaction bias for the best treatment solutions. The compliment function links the required assessment and treatment knowledge to a dataset of positive and negative interactions between personality traits to allocate the best professional to a participant.
Application Example
Our participant “Independent Isabel” is an active advocate for herself and is consistently motivated to engage in therapy outside of sessions. Consider Isabel was matched with a professional who was overly cautious with their assessment and treatment strategies. This may cause a build-up of frustration from both Isabel and the professional which would result in a breakdown of trust reduced engagement and motivation inside and outside of sessions leading to less therapeutic outcomes.
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