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Neuroplastic Adaptation

The extrapolations made within this section require a working knowledge of computational science, mathematics and physics in the context of non-determinism, NP-completeness, uncomplexity entropy, relativistic thought, computational complexity, dynamical systems and anti-executive intelligence.

Sacrificium Ingenii Omnibus; 2024-present; Iteration 1 (exert)

© 2024, Intervergent

Omniscient Intelligence Design

Genia, Elna & Wooden, James

Intervergent Founders

Genia, E. Omniscient Intelligence Design. Sacrificium Ingenii Omnibus. 2024-present; Iteration 1 (exert)

A General Model for Human Intelligence (Neuroplasticity)

Neuroplasticity is a complicated phenomenon that only exists as a concept, derived from the collective systemisation for human experiences constructed in the neurological, emotional and historical hierarchies.

Neuroplasticity describes dimensional intelligence as symmetries and variations through cellular functions of information formulations in organisation, information exchanges through links and information transformations in mutations. The cellular functions are observationally independent to an external observer which means they can be interpreted as both deterministic with foundations in nothing (0) and non-deterministic with foundations in everything (∞).

Figure 7:

The following example describes how a three-dimensional cellular function could be conceptualised from a deterministic interpretation of a non-deterministic observation.

Conceptualise the informational existence of an ambiguous information interpreter (that we will call “fish”) caught in the middle of a double cone chaotic whirlpool without any external forces acting on the system.

Figure 8:

As an external observer to the system, we choose to assign ourselves the task of finding if the fish has escaped the whirlpool in polynomial time from the top or bottom. For our deterministic observation, we assign our fish a specific task by choosing the solution we want to observe (i.e. the fish escapes). Additionally, we consider the question that enables the abstraction of the specific solution (i.e. has the fish escaped?). 

We cannot know the exact position of the fish or the exact force of the system that contains the fish without either removing the fish or removing the whirlpool. We can therefore the fish is randomly positioned somewhere in the whirlpool and the force of the whirlpool is random leaving both ambiguous to our observation. In consideration of the ambiguity, we simulate 1,000s of fish to find if any statically meaningful results occurred (i.e. generate a probability). Under a probability system our results can never be exact, and this test could be completed indefinitely to further precision of results

Figure 9:

Application of dimensional intelligence to our example

With our understanding of dimensional intelligence, we can choose an informational interpreter as a structure for all dependent processes. Our interpreter is a specific set of rules that construct observations of the fish in the system as undecidable functions.

An example of a rule may be to restrict the interpreter (agent) for the positions of the fish to a dynamic function. 

We can also choose informational interpretations as a structure for all independent information. The interpretations are collections of specific questions and solutions that construct the observational information as inconsistent parts that are undecidable.

 An example of a question or solution may be, “where is the fish not positioned within the whirlpool?”.

Figure 10:

As an external observer to the example, we have variable understanding of both the interpreter and interpretation. If we were to consider under sequential systemisation (determinism) the single fish (the dynamic) can swim in any direction and reflects an infinitely complex set of sequence variations. Alternatively variable understanding can be systemised through specific intelligence functions under the indifference to the specific / dynamic rules or questions / solutions. This creates a complete system that is finitely complex, and our system is defined by the intelligible rules and solutions.

Figure 11:

The original question is expressed in language as the informational rules that define an interpreter and the informational part of the question as that which defines the interpretation. The understanding of the interpreter and interpretation requires the utilisation of undecidability to structure specific functions.

For this example, we understand that the position and movement of the fish in a polynomial time algorithm is undecidable which requires rules that are deterministically ambiguous

Undecidability applied to understanding can be conceptualised as unintelligible indifference where informational completeness being our solution to the original question takes the form of parameterisations for all information. To systemise parameterisations in sequence we combine them, to exponentially limit the potential directions (unknowns) until specific alternative questions can be derived.

Figure 12:

The specific questions can then be solved as a rule requirement to the original question with a uniquely decidable sets of rules and solutions. Through a process of exchange and transformation functions in polynomial time each question can be determined to represent a unique informational part of the original question.  

As external observers we have derived a systematically exponential process for solutions to determine if the fish escapes or fish remains within the information of the original question. With this process we can determine both the position and movement of the fish simultaneously as an ambiguous question with specific solutions. This process determines the final state of the fish from the initial position and verifiable inputs that support the state result.   

The systemisation described in this example occurs in every cellular structure to enable a beautiful symmetry across variable functions. For humans these appear as arrangements of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) that enable such distinct human diversity. The Omnipotent Intelligence Design enables construction of a generic model of thought hierarchy from a cellular level to a complex neurological process described in throughout our Process page.

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