Sacrificium Ingenii Omnibus; 2024-present; Iteration 1 (exert)
© 2024, Intervergent Health
The Comprehensive Task Analysis Model
Wooden James
Hilfe Services, Founder
Wooden J. The Comprehensive Task Analysis Model. Sacrificium Ingenii Omnibus. 2024-present; Iteration 1 (exert)
How does this apply practically to my life?
Any behaviour you complete within your life can be simplified back into a sensory component. As evidence imagine you have no way of interacting with the external world throughout your entire life. With this consideration there is no purpose for a neuron to start a neural connection as there is no change (time) and all behaviour is therefore meaningless.

Figure 1:
To bring meaning to our lives we require changing inputs in the form of sensory stimulus (visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, proprioceptive, vestibular) and states (sensory combinations) otherwise we would be like the fish we no capacity to have new thought. Our thoughts extend from neural connections formed as precise electrical current chains. These current chains create groups that can eventually be linked to sensory stimulus and then follows the thought hierarchy (link) which is then applied in behaviours in active cognitive thought (link). In our approach we construct a whole picture of all the external inputs and link them to the generic model with our concept of neuroplasticity to assess the neurological function of an individual. Read more about our application at (Assessment tab – COTAT).
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